The Surrey Development Forum held a skills sharing workshop earlier this month with some very interesting presentations and talks from both the public and private sector perspectives.
The agenda included;
Levelling Up White Paper and what it means for Surrey
with Catriona Riddell (Catriona Riddell Associates) and Charles Collins (Director, Savills)
Which explored what the Levelling Up White Paper means for Surrey, and how we can make the most of it from a partnership working perspective.
Climate Change and Net Zero Carbon
with Josie Thornewill (Sustainability Director, Thakeham Homes), Carolyn McKenzie (Cooperate Director, Surrey County Council) and Dan Jestico (Sustainable Design Director, Savills)
Debated key issues relating to Climate Change, sustainability and net zero in the industry following discussions in the previous forum meeting. With the aim to consider whether a working group could be established to continue to share best practice and influence consistent policy and decision making going forward.
Best practice on major/strategic sites
with Andrew Hunter (Bracknell Forest Council) and Robin Shepherd and Jane Piper (Barton Willmore)
Demonstrated best practice on experiences from outside of Surrey and lessons learnt from both Local Authority and Planning consultancy perspectives on large scale development schemes. .
with Simon Ricketts (Town Legal)
Engaged with both public sector and private sector opinions to start the debate on achieving greater consistency and efficiency on the PPA process.